Behind the Labels, 288” w x 36” hDuality, 72″ x 72″One Night as I Count the Stars, 360” w X 72”h, . MOM, 88″ x 88″x 3″(installation view), each 3″ x 3″ x 5.25″
Cotton thread, recycled fabric from household, stitched, dyed
Women’s Life
Women’s Life – Wrapped
13″ x 13″ x 7″, 2012
Mixed media collage box, mulberry paper, silk, cotton dyed with India inkWomen’s Life -Opened box 13″ x 13″ x7″Woman’s life 1-BirthWoman’s life 2-ChildhoodWoman’s life 3-TeenageWoman’s life 4-AdolescenceWoman’s life 5-MarriageWoman’s life 6-MotherhoodWoman’s life 7-Middle ageWoman’s life 8-Old ageWomen’s Life 9-Death